It is no secret that methylation is the OLA LOA secret. Methylation is defined as the transfer of carbon-hydrogen molecules to their natural sites of action in the body chemistry and physiology.

Image of U.S. Decathlon Champion Jordan Gray stretching on a track outdoors

Creatine, the most essential factor in sustaining muscle energy, consumes between 70 and 90 percent of the methyl groups available in the body chemistry. The more active the muscles, the greater the demand for creatine to store energy as active phosphate within the cells for instant use. The heart is a leading consumer, but brain cells also need creatine. Dietary creatine supplements are more expensive and less convenient than direct supplementation of TMG to support production of creatine for all the body cells and to support muscle energy and mental acuity.

Carnitine is a second consumer of methyl groups and this adds to the benefits of supplementation with TMG (Tri-Methyl-Glycine). But methylation supports so many other adaptive functions that it is hard to explain why it has gone so under-appreciated until now: neurotransmitters are required for nerve-transmission to activate muscles and activate the glandular apparatus that modulates the force and duration of activity: insulin, glucagons, cortisone, and especially adrenalin, all depend on methylation of choline and nor-epinephrine. And after the stress of muscle activity, the repair process requires methyl groups to get rid of used muscle amino acids, such as histidine, which requires methylation in order to be safely excreted in the urine. And for healing of muscle the methylation process is required for synthesis of the polyamine molecules, spermine and spermidine, that regulate cell division, an absolute requirement for healing and repair of every cell in the human body.

TMG supplements are especially required for production of SAM (s-adenosyl methionine) and carnitine in the human liver. SAM is thus available to transport methyl groups to the cells and carnitine is thus available to transport active fatty acids from blood into the cellular mitochondria, where the fatty acids are used for production of phosphate (as ATP) and electrons, powering the energy currents of naturally-enhanced athletic performance. In fact, this process adds up to what we know as life, itself!

Methylation is as fundamental to life as breathing and blood flow. No wonder we take it for granted. But it is not as automatic as these other fundamental life-giving processes, for methylation requires regular intake of foods that contain useable methyl molecules, such as the essential amino acid, methionine and the phospholipid, choline. Methylation also requires other nutrients, such as vitamins B6, B12, folate, B2, B3, and minerals zinc, copper, cobalt, magnesium and phosphorous. The methyl system works best when the environment is free of common pollutants, such as chlorine, fluoride, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, dioxins, PCBs, other chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, solvents and phenolic plasticizers. In such a complicated and fragile metabolic situation, it is not surprising that supplementation with methyl groups, in the form of TMG, is so often experienced as energy-lifting and performance-enhancing. It is the key to the "OLA LOA Feeling."

In a world where so many things go wrong and so many good things are illegal; it is just great when something not only works, but is legal—and health-giving!