NEWS RELEASE – For Immediate Release 

Ola Loa Introduces Lemon Lime flavored SPORT to its line of All Natural Hydration products.

San Francisco, CA (March 2008)

Ola Loa LLC announced today that it has added Lemon Lime to its popular line of Ola Loa SPORT hydration products. States Ola Loa owner Gregory Kunin, “We are pleased with the response we have had to our low sugar , high nutrient sport drink. Adding more flavors is part of our plan for this exciting product line.”

Ola Loa SPORT was launched in March 2007 in two flavors: Mango-Tangerine and Mixed Berry. Ola Loa SPORT is all natural, with no caffeine or artificial colorings and only 2 grams of sugar – about the same amount of sugar as you would get from 1 grape. SPORT contains B-Vitamins, essential for carbohydrate metabolism, 1000 MG. of Vitamin C for antioxidant protection and a complete electrolyte formula, essential for hydration. Ola Loa also contains the osmolytes TMG and Glycine. 

Ola Loa LLC, a pioneer and leader in the technology of effervescent vitamins and minerals, was founded by Greg Kunin. Richard A. Kunin, MD serves as Director of Research. Ola Loa is available at Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, and other health food stores and pharmacies throughout the U.S. Products may also be purchased from the website at The company provides consumers with samples and supporting literature by calling 800.800.9550.

Greg Kunin is available for comment by calling 800.800.9550. Full size samples are available to press members upon request.
